Thursday, February 23, 2012

Architecture- Photography Project Week 1, Day 7

This has been a pretty fun week, I saw a bunch of new places and took about a thousand pictures.  All in all, a pretty good week.

This happens to be my favorite picture from the week. I love the pattern in the sky, and the landscape across the water.  The whole scene feels very whimsical to me.

This is my least favorite picture of the week.  You can tell how uninspired I felt.  Simply changing my point of view, getting lower to the ground could have made this a more dynamic picture.

This week I just wanted to get outside and take pictures, I did not concentrate heavily on the rule of thirds, I didn't heavily edit any pictures in elements (maybe five minutes per picture at most), and I minimally went outside of my comfort zone in manual mode.  Next week I am going to try to go outside of my comfort zone more.

Thank you to all who are following my journey; please feel free to leave constructive comments.  Feedback can only help me grow  :  )

Til tomorrow,


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