Friday, September 28, 2012

Africa: Day 9

I guess this was the point in the trip when I started waking up before sunrise each day.

This is grey-headed king fisher.  I love the bit of teal on it's back feathers.

Superb Starling, I love it's fierce white eyes.

More giraffes, I love the print of these kenyan giraffe's, they are far more vivid than the girraffes we saw in tanzania.  Our guide described the pattern of the giraffes in tanzania as leaf prints.  The giraffes in tanzania were lighter and less defined.  Here in Samburu the prints are more defined and look more delibrate.

Lilac breasted roller, my absolute favorite bird.

The moon in Africa, it was sooo beautiful.

I took a lot of pictures of birds on these game drives, this was because we didn't see very many animals most days.  It was hotter then Hades, and the animals must take long siestas during the day.

Love Always,


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